Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Thursday, April 16, 2009

See Simon. See Simon Smile.


I don't watch American Idol. I think it's the combination of the judges' criticism and the mediocre talent that turns me off. It's not so much a talent show as a production -- they build up the humdrum talent with the lights, back-up singers, and styling. Honestly, I find it a bore.

I have seen Britain's Got Talent on You Tube and I think I would watch it if it were on here. I think it's less "show" and more real talent. College boy shared a video he saw the other day and I think you'll enjoy it, especially if you feel how I do about America's talent and the grumpy judges. It's worth watching just to see Simon smile. You have to pop over to You Tube to see it because it can't be embedded, but you'll enjoy it, I promise.

PS One of Margaret's friends left a link to an awesome article about Susan Boyle -- a thought-felt article about the beauty that lies in each of us. "But it is often evidence of a life lived selflessly; of a person so focused on the needs of another that they have lost sight of themselves. Is that a cause for derision or a reason for congratulation? Would her time have been better spent slimming and exercising, plucking and waxing, bleaching and botoxing? Would that have made her voice any sweeter?" Awesome.



  1. I agree! I also watched it over at Margarets. I might post about it also. It is so fun to see!

  2. Well, dear Barbara, I have to agree and disagree with you. Yes, Susan Boyle is amazingly talented and funny and sweet. Rumor even has it she's a good Catholic girl! I had never seen Britain's Got Talent before but I think that I would like it...

    ...just as much as I like American Idol.Have you heard any of the singers? Be honest now. They may not always be our cup of tea, but they are decidedly not mediocre.

    I'll step off my soapbox now, just as soon as I share one last observation. Miley Cyrus (of Hannah Montana fame) was a guest on AI last night. The kids & I had never seen her perform before--we'd heard of her, yes, because that's unavoidable--but we are in no way fans.

    Now I know why.

    If anything, she represents the humdrum talent that you refer, though I realize that I'm basing this assessment on a single vocal performance. Still, I think she's as good an example of any of someone who was born into the business and therefore, thrust into the business. She was made into who she is...though she hasn't necessarily earned it.

    I'm done now. :)

  3. Christine,
    I think it just goes to show how much we really enjoy seeing the underdog come out on top!

    I have seen Idol. It was unavoidable last season because Doug and the boys watched. But I still think there is very little talent until the very end. I think most of the contestants who get on the show have little talent and a lot of “style.” I thought that David Cook was very talented, as was the other cute young singer (another David?), but most of the “talent” isn’t as talented as some of the young singers we have at church. You could be right though about it not being my cup of tea. Maybe we have to agree to disagree!

  4. i generally agree that AI is full of not so talented people. i think this year, though, they are all pretty good. they aren't all my style. i wouldn't listen to most of the music that they might make, but they can sing.

    i saw this video somewhere else, fun.

  5. This gal is good, I grant that. I really enjoy seeing the snobs knocked off their high horses by the simple (so to speak). Good on Susan!

  6. Oh, my, that was wonderful! I smiled through the whole thing, except at the end when I smiled AND cried. :-)

  7. I love the Susan Boyle videos. She's amazing. It was also a real treat to see Simon smiling and really enjoying what he was hearing---you don't see him like that often.

    I hope she gets her dream!

  8. Is that not amazing? In less than a week she is a household name. IT goes to show sadly how often we make judgments on what we think we see and know than on what is. Enchanting story.

    AI, sorry I am a mush minded follower. :)

  9. Regina, I admit I have not tuned in this year (nor would ever, voluntarily!).

    Sarah -- I'm in complete agreement.

    Jennie, I did the same thing!

    Sara, I do too -- although I think she probably already did!

    Martha, I hope we learn more about her, although the media over here is not likely to pick it up.

  10. Fantastic! I loved the surprise she gave them! I think I'd probably watch this show, too, if it was here (or I was there =) I guess I'll just have to check in at You Tube ...

  11. I don't watch American Idol or America Got's Talent on a regular basis, but have seen a few episodes...and Never have I seen Simon look happy. The look on his face reflected the shear beauty of that performance...and the song could not have been more perfect for this woman...imho. I don't think a fresh, baby-faced teenager could have pull that song off.
    I cried too!

  12. Sarah -- I know that the Susan Boyles of Britain's Got Talent are probably pretty rare, but it just seems more real, don't you think?

    AK, You're right -- it was perfect for her!

  13. Boy, I skip a day and miss everything!!

    I loved her performance, and can't wait to see more of her! How does the Brittan thing work? Was this just the tryouts?

  14. You might appreciate Susan's Cry me a River just discovered on YouTube


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!