This week didn't feel too successful, but I suppose those are the weeks when we really need to congratulate ourselves for the "small successes" we had. Peach had a relapse of her virus and was down for the count on Wednesday and Thursday. No symptoms, except lethargy, but if you know Peach, you know she doesn't lie around for no good reason. I mentioned to her that we might have to go to the doctor today if she didn't feel better this morning and I think that might have lit a fire under her bum. She's not up yet though, so we'll see. I think she needs some fresh air so hopefully the rain will hold off for a couple hours.
1. I washed lots of bedding. Of course this started with a bout of stomach virus, but I also washed some comforters that needed fall cleaning. We also managed to keep the bedrooms pretty clean this week, too -- "nothing on the floor but the furniture" is my mantra.
2. I finished one hat and have another half finished. I have several more projects in my head if only my children (and the laundry, and the cooking, and the puppy) would just let me sit and knit!
3. We are finishing our eighth week of school today (I know I'm cheating -- cut me some slack). It feels good because next week is test week and we have nothing to catch up on. I continually learn that the times that we are most successful in school are the times when mama is completely focused. If I am distracted, or multi-tasking, the children fool around and school doesn't get finished properly. "When mama stays focused, everyone stays focused."
For more Small Successes go to Faith and Family Live.