Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

One down, one to go


Love this pattern (download) -- thanks Regina. What a fun project. I used my very favorite double pointed needles and I learned some new stitches. I had to rip out a few rows near the bottom edge just before I started the flaps, and I'm not entirely certain I did it (the bottom edge) correctly, but it looks good, and my husband says it feels great (albeit a little warm for mid-October -- now he needs some SNOW!). I added an extra increase row to make an extra large -- Doug doesn't like a tight hat and he has a pretty big head. He declined the braids attached to the ear flaps -- no fun, no fun at all.

I doubled up on yarn instead of using a chunky yarn, I used one strand of Wool-Ease Oxford Gray and one strand of Wool-Ease fisherman. I love the look and, of course, the contrast is red (Wool-Ease cranberry). Not quite scarlet and gray, but close enough.

Noah tried his dad's on and now he asked for one. Maybe red and blue for the Blue Jackets or brown and orange for the losers, uh-em Browns.



  1. it looks fantastic!! great job!

  2. OOOOooo! Nice job! Hope your Tuesday is better than your Monday:~)

  3. very nice knitting! Hope your daughter is feeling better.

  4. Knitters make me feel inadequate at this time of year. heehee What a great gift to present to your loved ones and a gift created with your hands. :) :) So beautiful!!!!

  5. That hat looks great, Barbara!! The pattern and color combination are very cool! A bit advanced for me, but something I definitely can work toward =)

  6. Double pointed needles terrify me !
    I have been knitting for about a year and would not even know where to start to learn how to use them.
    How did you learn to use them ?
    I admire your beautiful work.
    Hope evryone in your famliy stays healthy now.


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!