Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Life on Thursday, September 10, 2009


Maggie has seriously hampered my morning prayer, coffee and blog routine. She's doing well, except for one darned poopy accident this morning (and then there were those fleas, but we won't talk about it -- all I can say is thank goodness for doggy pharmaceuticals). She is a serious chewer, unlike any dog I've had in memory and I think we'll have to go back to the pet supply store and find some different chewing devices. She likes: books, blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, a leather chair, baskets, and none of the dog products for which we shelled out good money. Go figure. Fortunately she's very cute and has been forgiven for her transgressions. She hasn't been called "that dog" yet. We'll know that the honeymoon is over when she is. And if any one has some really great punishments for children who bicker over who gets to feed, walk, play with, touch, look at the puppy, I'm taking them. There's always the pooper scooper and I'm seriously considering it as a punishment. (I apologize that I have used the word "poop" twice in one post.)

And speaking of coffee, I'm giving a lot of thought to giving it up. Or at least most of it. I am a big coffee drinker. A couple cups in the morning and then several in the afternoon. It's a serious crutch, and even though that's a good reason to give it up, that's not the reason. It's for medical reasons, which stinks. I love it, but it does not love me. Sadly, almost all other beverages cause the same trouble (inflamed bladder) -- I'm left with water alone. Any tips for embracing eight glasses a day?

The weekend is just around the corner (so soon?). Friday is, of course, September 11. I posted my thoughts from that day two years ago. If you've never read them and would like to, they are here. Saturday is the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary. I had good intentions to celebrate Our Blessed Mother's birthday on Tuesday, but the puppy came and all good intentions fluttered away. We will definitely celebrate on Saturday. Jessica has some great ideas for celebrating. And maybe I'll get that Blueberry Cream Pie baked after all.



  1. OH MY GOSH! My life would be OVER if I couldn't drink coffee! OK, maybe that is an exaggeration....NOPE coffee is my friend! LOL

  2. Barbara, I understand your pain. I love my coffee too. What about adding fruit to your water? I like to add sliced lemons and limes (after washing the skin).

  3. Julia- That's exactly how I feel. But I don't think it's worth the pain. The problem is it's such a comfort thing for me.

    Michelle -- I can use fruit as long as it's not citrus, which is what we tend to use in water -- nothing else really imparts flavor. Citrus irritates the bladder.

  4. Dear Barbara, no coffee? ugh, ugh, ugh. Been there too, and it lasted for two years. Tips for water consumption?

    - Find your BEST stem ware possible, and keep it out. YOU are the special person you will be serving and tending to for water filling delights in it.

    - To begin your day find yourself a lovely glass pitcher and fill it with water to rest on your kitchen counter. Make the area inviting around it, doily underneath, vitamins ready for the day's consumption, flowers, rosary (use this for strength) :-)

    - Drink your water at room temperature because there are more benefits to a flushing throughout the body instead of cold water/ice.

    - No citrus ability? How about thin slices of cucumbers? This is what fancy hottie-toitee spas use, cucumbers floating around the top of a glass pitcher filled with water and ice. the cucumber can also detox the body. Left for a time, the flavor just gets better and better. Or, yummy yum, a few spoonfuls of mixed frozen berries!

    - Tried the cucumbers/berries (fresh strawberry slices work too) and don't like (how can anyone not like, but anyway...LOL), how about frozen grapes stabbed to allow the flavor to leach into the water, or make iced tea (room temp) using a delightful and delicious herbal tea? Add a sprinkle of peppermint leaves if suitable and heh, even a little tropical umbrella to give yourself a real flair and tempting guzzle.

    For a comfort solution, try hot water with a shot of your favorite cooking extract. Rum? LOL

    Thinking of you, hope you can find a suitable substitute to your coffee strike. :-) God Bless.

  5. Renee,
    Thank you for the tips. I do like cucumber water -- I'll have to pick up some cucumbers. Berries sound good, also. I will treat myself to a pretty glass. Sadly tea causes the same trouble -- even herbal they say. I don't know if I can go cold turkey though, so I am allowing a few cups of hot tea. So far I haven't learned that alcohol bothers sensitive bladders, so gin and wine are still good!

  6. Not sure if you can have Crystal Light? I love the stuff, when I had bladder problems (UTI's) when younger, the doc even suggested to get my water intake up there to use Crystal Light. I actually really like the teas, which are 99% caffinne free.

    Another thing that helps me with water intake is I always have my 32 oz bottle out and with me, so it's easy to just sip it, it also helps to constantly put ice in it, for some reason I like the icy cold stuff better than luke warm!

    SO sorry you have to give it up and I hope and pray for it to go easy for you!


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!