Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Sunday, September 13, 2009

As Needed


This morning was one of those mornings. I was in a mood, the kids were in moods, dad was in a mood. Too many things to do. Too many people with their own agendas -- none harmonizing, all colliding. It would have been so easy to skip Mass, avoid the headaches, the conflicts, the arguments. I remembered a saying (and forgive me, but I cannot remember the exact quote or with whom it originated -- if you know please educate me): if you think you don't have time to pray, pray more.

I can forgo cooking, cleaning, laundry, schooling, eating, sleeping. But, I should never give up Mass. Nor should I allow my family.

As God always leads us where we need to go, Mass was just what I needed. In the quiet of the church before Mass began, I read in the Mass meditation from my Magnificat:

Your life, such as it is, is a pre-ordained thing, and it is for you to drink your cup even as Christ drank his. His life and death, if they apparently were failures, were not so in reality. We also are children of that divine Father who held to the lips of His Son a beverage to drink, and so our lives have a wonderful mysterious significance. And it is in this light that we ought to look at human things and be superior to them; never letting them overpower us, as if they were some dark arrangement, as if they were the result of some malign power. No, human things are the will of the Father for us as they were the will of the Father for his divine Son.
--Dom Vonier, OSB

Never give up Mass.



  1. That sounds like a very Fulton Sheen kind of statement, but I don't know for sure!

  2. Thanks for sharing the meditation. I needed to read it today.

  3. Sara, It could have Fulton Sheen but I was thinking St. Ignatius or St. Thomas Aquinas. I could be wrong.

    Michelle, I bet you did. Keeping you in prayer, dear.

  4. Unthinkable. In the Mass I get nourished. We receive so much during the liturgy and the best part of the mass the Eucharist. To receive our Lord in the bread and wine, is necessary for me like breathing.

  5. oh boy. i so read that during mass too...and i LOVED-"our lives have a wonderful mysterious significance."
    gave me the chills.
    sometimes i feel like those magnificat meditations were written JUST for me. always so perfectly timed by the author of "genius Christianity".

  6. One hectic morning, I tried skipping Mass, just to see what it was like. It really didn't help, and all the kids still remember that one Sunday, that terrible, awful Sunday, that I didn't take them to church. ;-)

  7. Yes, I am certain that the Mass is the remedy for all our ills.

  8. Yes, I was going to say Fulton Sheen, it is one of my favorite quotes!!!

    Mass is the greatest prayer of all.


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!