Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Friday, January 09, 2009

Tonight's the Night

Anyone else still have their Christmas decorations up? I hope I am not the only one. But, tonight's the night, and come hell or high water, the spaces they currently occupy shall be empty by bedtime.

And speaking of high water, well, not high water exactly, but frozen water, the "experts" are predicting up to 5 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow. I know you folks in Minnesota are laughin' your freezin' cold buns off at our measly 5 inches, but that's big here in central Ohio. It could take days to dig out of 5 inches.

And so, in preparation for our annual winter blizzard I finished all necessary errands today. I had to go buy college boy some boots because, lo and behold, he had none. He had his Birkenstocks and that was it. I love my Birkies, but they are no good in 5 inches of snow. So I bought and delivered college boy some boots, did all my grocery shopping for the next week, and picked high school boy up from school. I think I was gone from home for 4 hours today. I'm not big on running around, so that was almost torturous for me. I hope to spend the next few snow-covered days holed up in my nice warm house. Nothin' better I tell ya.

And now I leave you with some pictures of the bunny prints and squirrel prints that I found in the back yard when I woke up this morning. I just love knowing that our wildlife friends are happy and making themselves at home in the back yard. We have a big bunny boy that is living under the deck this winter. I love to watch him out my window. Anyone know what bunnies eat in the winter? I'd love to give him a treat.

I'll see you later, when I get everything back in Ordinary Time order.



  1. bunnies around here eat our birdseed, they sit right under the feeder and eat all that drops!!

    Have fun taking down! I love taking down, everything is fresh and looks so roomy!!

  2. Yes, it took me nearly all day to dismantle the fake tree and get everything packed in their boxes and hauled into the garage storage. I'll be seeing it all again shortly when we move - the packers will likely take everything out and repack it (insurance reasons). Ugh!

    Like Jamie said: it's so roomy! It looks weird!

  3. i have about three boxes still in my school room filled with Christmas material, crafts and advent stuff etc. but a few things are still hiding-sprinkled here and there around the house, but tonight IS the night sister. you've inspired me to get it over with.
    ps. i love those snow pictures. you don't even want to know that we are all running around barefoot here, looking for hummingbird food recipes and sipping iced tea!
    i had to embroider some snowflakes just for it to feel like winter.

  4. Our bunnies also like to eat the birdseed.

  5. I just got ours down yesterday afternoon. Funny...I didn't remember the living room being so spacious...

  6. Nope, you are not the only one! My stuff finally came down last night too...and now the space looks so empty.


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!