Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Thursday, January 08, 2009

My Semiannual Lashing with Dental Floss


Otherwise known as "Your Children Should Really Be Flossing Every Day."

The two youngest had dental appointments this morning. And, as expected, I got a lecture -- my biannual penance over the use, or lack thereof, of dental floss. This was a new dentist's office, so they went a little easy on me, but there was language which included "food getting caught," "tight spaces," and "really more important than brushing," but I glazed over after the first 15 seconds of lecture.

Folks, I know flossing is important to dental health, but I'm sorry, it's waaaaaaay down there on my list of things to do every day. Don't these people (known in the industry as dental professionals) have a real life? Do they really expect me to floss my children's teeth (or stand over them cracking the dental floss whip) every day?

My kids have 800 reasons why they don't floss. They include:

"It's no fun."

"It makes my gums bleed and I get wigged out at the sight of my own blood."

"But, you don't floss."

"I can't find the dental floss, flossers, or flosser sticks."

"It tastes bad."

"Do you mean 30 minutes before my appointment twice a year isn't enough?"

"It hurts."

"It isn't fun."

"But, you don't floss."

I admit it, I don't floss. I hate flossing. I think it's a huge waste of time. Ok, maybe not a waste of time, but who has time?

If you don't floss your kids' teeth, please tell me I'm not alone. If you do floss your kids' teeth, will you come over and crack the dental floss whip for mine?



  1. I floss. We all do. My mom was a dental assistant before she married and raised a family, so I was brought up with brush-floss routine. And it continues...

  2. Oh, I feel really badly now. ;-)

  3. Don't feel badly. I don't floss, but I do have a water pick thingy that I use sporadically. I like it. I got flossers for the kids, but they use them only sporadically, too.

  4. Floss?

    You mean that stuff we used to hang ornaments on the tree? The minty green stuff? You put that between your teeth??


    A sympathetic hug from the woman with no less than 4 packs of floss...waxed, non-waxed, ribbon and mint-flavored that no one wants to use and a mom whom refuses to stand over the hygiene offenders while they moan and groan and complain about the entire process. Only half of the children are willing flossers. They all brush and are happy to brush regularly. But flossing?

    Guess I'll be getting my dental floss lashing, too!

  5. Oh please. Maybe if I had 1 child and no life.

    I get a tongue lashing all the time, too. For me, not the kids.

    I'm trying to find A&H Baking Soda Tooth Powder which he says is really good for the gums.

  6. Jennie,
    Thanks for sticking up for me.
    We use the water pick occasionally too. Especially for anyone in braces.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yes, floss is a craft item!

    That's the answer! Those dental professionals have one child and no life!
    Hmmm...I'll have to keep my eyes open for the A&H powder. Have you tried Amazon?

  7. we semi-floss...which means sometimes. but, no, i do not floss my kids' teeth. never have. i hate how it feels too, unless we've had popcorn or something annoying to eat!=)
    so you are not alone.
    no whip-cracking from this end!

  8. No flossing here, unless someone has something stuck between the teeth. Then the floss is a tool to get it out.
    I put off dental appointments because I'm not up for the lecture.

  9. HAHAHAHA! I stopped by here because Kimberly (Catholic Family Vignettes) told me I had to see the hooded scarf you made and make one for my daughter... this is too funny! I don't floss either, unless I have something stuck between my two back teeth on the top left... they're way too close together. For that reason, and for that reason only, we have floss in the house... and for the morning of the visit to the dentist. I am lucky to keep on top of bathing my kids. I'm happy if they brush each night! Let yourself off the hook... until the next dentist's visit, anyway! And I love the hooded scarf, too, by the way. I think I will have to make one for my little girl! Thanks!

  10. Regan,
    I'm so glad it's not just me. Yes, popcorn and pot roast will always have me looking for the floss (we keep some in a kitchen drawer for just that reason). Either that or I pick at it with my finger nail until it bleeds. Ewww!

    I put dental appointments off for myself, but I usually get the kids in every eight months or so --parental guilt!

    From the looks like it, the non-flossers are in the majority here! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you like the "hoodie."

  11. My kids get so excited when I buy floss (after the dental office tongue lashing) because it is the strongest string I ever buy, "and boy, can you tie things up with that stuff, real good!"

    Maybe I should show them what it is really for?

  12. I floss more often than anyone else in this house of five - I remind them to do it, but who the heck knows if they are. Well, I know they do sporadically because I see them now and again with their flossers (and remnants in the trash) and I get the lectures. I have a waterpik that I've used five times. It is just weird!

  13. This is too funny! I agree with you, don't they have a life? I don't floss like I should and getting my son to do it would be like pulling teeth (pardon the pun)

    I found blog on Family Friendly Network. Really like it.

    God Bless!

  14. Not in this house... I get the lecture every time I take my kids to the dentist. I will admit I bought myself a high tech sonic brush for Christmas and it was only because the dental assistant said the magic words "It's a tooth brush for the non flosser because it basically does the two jobs of brushing and flossing. Granted it's not a total substitute but if you're going to continue with not flossing, it's better than nothing."

    I can't seem to get a dentist to believe me that the cavity I got between my two front teeth is BECAUSE of flossing. I never learned to floss correctly when I was a kid and I basically caused a friction cavity (I have soft teeth to begin with). So trust me when I say I just don't bother with dental floss unless I have an obvious "something" stuck in my teeth.

    My kids use the flossers once in a blue moon and I won't even bother with dental floss unless they really need it. They're great brushers, so they're doing the most important job.

  15. We floss religiously....which in our home means about an hour before our yearly dental exams, lol.

    I try to floss at least once a week but everyone else is on their own. I do buy generic ADA approved mouthwash for everyone to use. Hey, I figure that gets in between teeth, right?

  16. Well by golly, there is absolutely no flossing being done here! Heck....I'm lucky if I can get them to even brush their teeth! My youngest two (the girls) haven't even been to the dentist yet (my bad...my very, very bad). Our dental insurance isn't that great and there just isn't a lot of extra money lying around.
    Anyway....just take your lashing from the denist and move on.....you get another one next year (or six months depending upon how responsible you are).

  17. Well by golly, there is absolutely no flossing being done here! Heck....I'm lucky if I can get them to even brush their teeth! My youngest two (the girls) haven't even been to the dentist yet (my bad...my very, very bad). Our dental insurance isn't that great and there just isn't a lot of extra money lying around.
    Anyway....just take your lashing from the denist and move on.....you get another one next year (or six months depending upon how responsible you are).

  18. Joann -- I love it! Don't tell them what it's really for unless they tie you up with it.

    My husband swears by the waterpick, and it's great if you have orthodontics, but I think it feels weird too.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    My husband has a sonic toothbrush and loves it. Come to think of it, I guess he has all the high-tech mouth stuff. I think I'll stick to my manual model!

    I knew I could count on you! Semiannual flossers unite!

    The only thing that has me taking the kids every six months is parental guilt (I eat and breathe it!). That's why I go for years with getting a cleaning.

  19. totally off topic...did you see beanie declared for the nfl. no more power back for us.

  20. oh and i dont floss. i really should though. and i really should make the kids. i feel lucky if we get around to brushing

  21. No flossing here.

    Heck, I don't even know if Sally is brushing or not. By the time I get down to Bun, I'll have to order a set of baby dentures for him.

  22. James, You funny guy. I know you probably have perfectly flossed pearly whites!

    My boys were so disappointed. I am too. I always think they should stay as long as they can. Beanie is a fragile guy, I think, and I guess he has to make the money while he can. Who will win Michigan for us next year?

    Aimee, Luckily their teeth are pretty durable. And I think (I know) dentists like to scare us so we keep coming back!

  23. It's pretty natural for others to not floss due to those reasons. But you could use those flosser sticks if you can't put few of your fingers in their mouth. Flosser sticks can be controlled a little bit better so you can prevent their gums from bleeding.


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!