Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A Hooded Lass


I mentioned a while back that I was working on knitting a hooded scarf for Peach. I bought the yarn with the intention of finding a pattern for what I had in my head, but I never found the pattern. None of the patterns looked just like the picture in my head (or they were more complicated than I wanted to deal with), so I made one up. It looks pretty close to the picture in my head, but if I had to do over again I probably would not have made it so long. It works, though, really well. It stays on her head and keeps her neck toasty warm. It was very easy to knit, also, and fast with the chunky yarn. I originally started knitting, pulled it apart and switched to crochet, pulled it apart and went back to knitting.

Below is a rough pattern. Adjust the size for your kid or adult. Peach is six years old and this should fit for at least two more years. This would be a fine project for a beginner since it involves nothing but the stockinette stitch and sewing the seams together (and a pom-pom if that's your style!).

Cast on 74 stitches using the double cast on method, with chunky yarn and big needles. I used US 15 needles and the yarn linked to above. The chunky yarn is a kind of double-edged sword. It's very "flubby" so it hides errors. But because it's flubby it sometimes looks like you made errors when you didn't.

Knit, using the stockinette stitch until you have ten inches of knitting.

Cast off.

Fold piece in half crosswise, right sides together.

Stitch the sides together, on the cast-off side, from one end to the other, lengthwise.

Measuring down from the closed end, begin stitching sides together 10 inches down from the top. Stitch for 5 inches, leaving it open at the bottom (if you stitch all the way down it will be too bunchy around the neck).

Add a pom-pom at the point, if desired.

And speaking of knitting needles, hunting around on the interweb, as college boy calls it, I found these. I know what's on next year's Christmas list. Cool, eh?



  1. It looks super cute and I know my girlie-girls would love one! Could you translate this into crochet for those of us who aren't bilingual? Why did you stop crocheting and go back to knitting?

  2. That is really cute! and looks so warm. Sadly, I don't need one...I'm wearing short sleeves and had to cut all my broccoli this morning before it goes to flower....it's been entirely too hot and humid here for late Dec./early January....where is winter?????

  3. my girl just saw that hood and shrieked..."how cuuutttee...." i guess i'll be getting started on one of these "after you get finished with my handwarmers, mom". it'll have to be CROCHET tho, a knitter i am not!!

  4. Beautiful!! Peach looks so cute modeling it too!!

    *I love the bright colors!

    I also wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed your 12 days of Christmas, they were so thoughtful and creative and fun to read each day!

  5. Adorable, Barb!!

    I'm on my second hooded scarf...I made one for my youngest granddaughter, Anastasia, and she looked like a woodland elf! What a cute model Miss Peach is!

  6. Charlotte,
    Each side is 18 inches by 10 inches. So if you crochet a rectangle 32 x 10 (or shorter if you don't want it to puddle so much on the shoulders), and then follow the instructions for stitching, you'll have the same thing.

    With another yarn I would have liked it crocheted. I crochet a tad more neatly than I knit, but this yarn was so flubby that I think it looked messier. I also crochet much faster.

    Thanks Cheryl,
    I'll trade Peach's hood for your short sleeves. Today it's 31 degrees and raining/sleeting. It can't decide what it wants to do, but so far no snow.

    See my note to Charlotte above for crochet directions. I might crochet one for my 12 year old with a less flubby yarn. Or maybe I'll make one for myself!

    Thanks, Jamie. I'm glad you enjoyed them. I had fun doing them.

    You'll have to share your pattern. But, I know you're a much more experienced knitter than I.

  7. You are so talented! And your little Peach is such a cutie! Love those knitting needles you found - very cool!

  8. What a beautiful doll. Love that hooded scarf ! ss

  9. Just had to leave another comment, 'cause I got to take a look at the knitting needle link. WOW!!! Those are beautiful and incredibly cheap...take it from a veteran needle, who's had nearly every kind, size, brand and whose husband actually carved her a nice set of oak needles...those are fabulous!! Great find...

  10. oh that is SUPER cute!! i LOVE it.
    the needles are pretty but i am a HUGE addi needles fan. i just got the interchangeable system so i am using the circs instead of straights as i knitting something similar (though not attached in front) for my aunt

  11. That is absolutely adorable!!! I love the bright colors and how fun it looks. My girls would love something like that. Too bad their mother is not gifted in the craft of knitting (although she's tried to learn).

  12. I do neither of those crafts - yet! - but that hooded scarf is ADORABLE, Peach just makes it super adorable!!

  13. Thank you, Julie.

    Thanks, Grandma!

    Kimberly, I pointed them out to Doug last night. Doubtful he'll remember them by next Christmas though! I may not be able to wait either!

    I'll have to check out Addi. They are wood?

    Michelle, Thanks!

    Dirtdartwife -- It's never too late to try again. Go to knittinghelp.com for some great vdeos!

    Sarah, Thanks -- cute and practical. I'm surprised I've never seen these in stores.

  14. no, addi's are metal but they are much better than the usual metal. they are rather expensive and from what i have seen they only come in circs. the interchangeable system comes with 20, 24 and some other size cord so i am using that instead of straights.

  15. Dear Barb,

    Oh golly, what a super cute hood on an even more super cute girl!

    I made your crown cake for Epiphany dinner. Even my teenage boys commented on how lovely it was. I could have fallen over from the shock!

    Rachel in Dallas

  16. Oooh! That turned out SO CUTE!!! I love it!! Peach looks adorable too!


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!