...but, I found this movie to be very entertaining. I'm not one to normally enjoy silly, but I think it's the combination of serious and funny and familiar that made this flick enjoyable. Doug took a break from painting this afternoon (I told you he would paint the house while I was recovering, didn't I?) and took the kids to the pool. I plugged in a DVD and enjoyed two hours of silly, colorful, musical film work. It's a combination of Pride and Prejudice, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and a Roger's and Hammerstein musical. If you decide to watch it, don't stop the movie until after you see the out-takes.
Hey! I rented this one from Netflix on your say-so, and I can say without a doubt that it was the pain meds. :-) We tried - oh how we tried! - but we couldn't get past the first fifteen minutes. And David made me swear to never tell anyone that it was ever in our DVD player. So don't tell him I told you. :-)