Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Fat Tuesday Journal

To heck with this Mardis Gras business, I'm calling a spade a spade. It's Fat Tuesday. Eat now, folks, for tomorrow is Lent.

In nature...Outside the sky is blue and the birds are singing, but it's one of those fooler days -- it's dang cold out at 9 degrees. No signs of spring here.

In my thoughts...I had an RCIA retreat on Saturday with Taylor, and we heard, and talked, a lot about Lent. Do you give something up, start a new good spiritual habit, give to the poor, or a combination of all those good things? I shared the story about my dad's watermelon, and as we had just read from scripture, "But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you" Mt 6:3-4, it made sense. I won't be sharing my Lenten sacrifice here this year. I feel like I complain enough.

Another thing we talked about at the retreat was the Scrutinies. How many cradle Catholics know what those are? I felt pretty silly being one of the oldest sponsors and not having ever heard about the Scrutinies. You can click on that link if you're curious, but don't tell me if you already knew, I feel dumb enough already.

At the school table...a lot of catching up. Last week wasn't productive, but we have a pretty quiet week ahead. Faith is reading, but I'm not sure enjoying, Black Beauty; struggling with subtracting fractions from whole numbers (do you really think there is anything to those blond jokes -- she really forgets how to do this every time); enjoying science, geography and map reading, and the early A.D. years in ancient history. I am enjoying quiet days of learning and even though I'm tired of frigid temps I don't mind being forced indoors. Faith disagrees.

On the table...Asian short ribs, rice and broccoli and Fastnachts for dessert. It just wouldn't be Fat Tuesday without them.

I am wearing...I have a plum shirt, blue and purple scarf, a gray skirt and leggings set out for today, but I'm still in my flannel nightgown and new Lanz flannel robe for now. Love this robe..it was on clearance at the Vermont Country Store.

I am reading...I recently started When I Found You, but I am going to try not to read any secular books except on Sundays during Lent (whoops, gave something away, didn't I?). I have a nice stack of spiritual reading, including: My Sisters the Saints, Elizabeth Lesseur, No Turning Back (which I am praying will give me hope where my sons are concerned), as well as Shirt of Flame: a Year With St. Therese of Liseux, and Bringing Lent Home with St. Therese. In all likelihood, it will take me the rest of the year to read those books. I'll have to make more of an effort to sit and read, rather than listening to books during Lent. I also want to listen to all of Fr. John Riccardo's podcasts. Oh my, that man makes me want to be good!

(PS Those were affiliate links)

I am creating...so many rosaries. I am on a roll, and I have ordered more supplies to keep me busy during Lent. If you need a First Holy Communion rosary, or one for Confirmation, please check my Etsy shop. The latest creation is in the picture below. Unique and pretty!

I am also going to be sewing jackets -- Coats of Many Colors -- for the dance studio. I don't have the fabric yet, but once I do I will probably have to put other projects aside for quite awhile.

Praying for...
...my husband and children
...my son Noah, to learn his chemistry
...my future daughter-in-law, in her effort to become Catholic -- this hasn't been an easy process and I give great credit to all converts
...the homeless and hungry, especially in the cold
...our priests and religious
...all babies whose mothers are contemplating abortion

Picture thought...

I spy:

paper books for Lent

morning cuppa in a cheery cup and saucer

grandma's roses and some pretty mini Carns (that the cat tried to eat, and which are poisonous to cats, by the way)

the purple and blue scarf that never ends, and has pretty much been relegated to doctor's office waiting rooms

Lenten prayer candle, simple

sympathy cards, such a nice thing


  1. We are having ice cream for dinner. Once, when Davey had just deployed and I had a hard time pulling myself together, I served banana splits for dinner. It stood out so much in the children's minds, and they often asked if we could do it again. It's become a much anticipated tradition. :-)

  2. We had waffles for dinner last night, and I have no idea what we're doing tonight. 7 pm Mass makes dinner a challenge!

    I think the Scrutinies are done without any flair in the Novus Ordo. It happens, but you don't really get much out of it. I'm sure it's possible to see it happen for years (your whole life) and not have any idea what it's called if the priest doesn't take a moment to teach.

    Praying for you and your sweet Grandma. My comment the other day got lost in the craziness of my day. :-(

    1. I know I'm not always at a Mass with the candidates and catechumens, but I can't believe I had never heard of them. They apply to all Catholics as we all prepare for a renewal of Baptismal vows at Easter.

      Thanks for your prayers -- they are much appreciated.

  3. Your rosaries are so lovely!

  4. I have read Shirt of flame AND My sisters the Saints and LOVED them both!!!!


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!