Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Turns out it's a crafty day

Ever since the kids in the neighborhood started school (actually a couple days after the neighborhood kids started school) things quieted down around here. Because we don't start lessons until next week, at first I told Faith to stay in the backyard or in the house since our "exemption from compulsory education" letter had not yet arrived (I had her convinced the truant officer was waiting around every corner, and I am not completely sure we don't have a neighbor or two who would report a child not in school -- it's true). If I let her, she would just ride her bike around or skate around all by herself just waiting for someone, anyone to come out (there are a few other homescoolers in our neighborhood). I hate that -- her riding around all by herself. I don't know why it bothers me, but it seems so -- not constructive, and, in this day, mildly dangerous. She stayed in for a few days, or played with the dog in the backyard, but she had ants in her pants. Finally the letter arrived, and then she rode her bike around or skated around all by herself just waiting for someone, anyone to come out. Oh the trials of being a lone homeschooler. This week she has settled down (so far) and seems content to craft in her room or play with her American Girl (AG) dolls. An AG magazine arrived on Saturday so that may have something to do with her willingness to stay seated. The girl just never stops.

As Faith has settled, I have been able to get some chaplets and rosaries made that I owe a few people, and some sewing. The house is "ship-shape and Bristol fashion" (which female British character used that phrase in recent history?), and the laundry caught up. I know that will all go to pot next week, when lessons start. Actually, it will probably go to pot tomorrow (no pun intended) when I start the prep for a colonoscopy (and endoscopy) on Thursday. I dread this procedure so much. Actually, it's not the procedure, it's the prep. I know that no one enjoys it. Truly, has no one come up with a better way to do this? Can't we just wave a magic wand over the colon and look for polyps? I am just not good with drinking large quantities of liquid. I have to go to the store today to see if I can find something to drink tomorrow before I have to start drinking the "prep liquid." Tomorrow is an all-clear-liquids day. I told Taylor (my future daughter-in-law) that I probably won't lose a pound doing it either. I could eat an ice cream sundae and gain three, but fast for a day and a half and not lose an ounce. Any suggestions for making the whole thing more pleasant less distasteful would be appreciated. If I could take a sleeping pill and sleep through it, I would, but I don't think that works when one needs to frequently run to the bathroom (TMI?).

Because we were having a relaxed morning today I worked on a little project I had purchased the supplies for, but they were just sitting (like so many of my projects). When we renovated the hall bath for the kids, we never replaced the towel rack. Most of the kids shower in the master bath, but occasionally, and especially when Taylor visits, or on Sunday morning when we're always scrambling (never learn), someone uses that bathroom for the shower. And then no one ever knows whose towel is whose, so they get washed with each use. So I bought five 3M hooks, a little acrylic paint and, voilĂ , today we have a hook for each kid. Faith chatted while I worked and we listened to Nicole Mullen music and, all-in-all, had a good time. By the time I was finished, Faith had a clipboard and markers and was planning a Halloween party. Oh, that girl! She needs to be a social committee chair/activities director some day!

If you are not confident in your painting ability (mine wasn't great, but good enough) you could purchase initials at a craft store. I'm just too cheap to do that!


  1. We have been using those stick on hooks (only larger sized ones I think) as towel hooks for many years. The only problem we've ever had was when someone tried to hang two large, heavy towels on one hook. The hook came down along with a chunk of the wall. Just FYI... if they don't get overloaded they work great!

  2. Cute hooks. My kids would have those broken within hours.

    We hang our bath towels on the stair way.

    I do not let my kids skate/bike by themselves either. Unless I can see them. I'm over protective that way. I think there are people out there just in the wrong place at the wrong time and they jump for the "moment" for a child alone. Sad, but true.

    So sorry about your yucky prep I'll be thinking of you. Praying every time.

  3. I like your towel hooks. Having the 2 older girls leave for college this weekend, I am going to change things up a bit. All the little ones were bathing in my garden tub, but now I am going to put them in the "big girl" bathroom and have mine to myself (almost, I still have to share with Tony). All I have to do is switch the over-the-door towel hangers. Mine has 5, the other one only has 2.

    Praying for you during your upcoming procedure.

  4. I generally do not let my kids roam around the neighborhood during school hours. Not so much because someone might report us, but because it is dead quiet when the other kids are at school. No one around---except contractors of one sort or another---and that makes me nervous. And I would make them go together if they weren't going to be right in front of our house!

    We have 2 racks of 4 hooks each in the kids bathroom. And I thought it was awfully expensive at the time, but I bought them all personalized towels from Lands' End (probably made them Christmas presents!). It was a good thing because they've lasted well over a decade! I love that you gave Taylor her own hook.

    Good luck with your prep. I feel for you.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You painted those letters free hand? Pretty dern talented you are!

  7. Your letters look great!
    As others said, I wouldn't let a girl ride around alone either.
    And I am so sorry you have to have a scope (on top of all your other ills!). I hope you have something Really Important for which to 'offer it up'.

  8. Your towel rack is brilliant!!!


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!