Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our Lady of the Visitation, pray for us

"John was 'filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb' by Christ himself, whom the Virgin Mary had just conceived by the Holy Spirit. Mary's visitation to Elizabeth thus became a visit from God to His people."

 "We can feel the rush of warmth and kindness, the sudden urgency of love that sent that girl hurrying over the hills. 'Those days' in which she rose on that impulse were the days in which Christ was being formed in her, the impulse was His impulse."Caryll Houselander The Reed of God 


Before I post my very last "Every Day in May for Mary," I have a confession to make. In case you didn't notice.

I failed. I missed yesterday. 'Twas not "Every day in May." I feel like a big loser saying "Every day in May" and then missing one day. I know I made 29 days in a row, but I missed one. I'm a glass half empty kinda girl, I guess. One part fail makes a whole fail.

I'm going to blame my daughter for going and getting the first summer cold and it's not even summer yet, really. I made her stay in bed all day yesterday because Noah is taking final exams this week, and Joshua next week, and neither needs a cold. Her eyes were leaking, for goodness sake. It seemed body fluid was coming from everywhere. And I was schlepping trays up and down stairs, delivering nourishment (Ramen noodles, bleh) and entertainment.

I know. It's my own fault. All I can say it I was working on rosaries for much of the day, in between up and down stairs with trays,  so I know Our Lady forgives me. And besides, I do think Jesus was the only one reading after day five or so.

I did just say Jesus reads my blog, and I don't mean every day, but definitely when I post about His mother.

Appropriately, or maybe not, today my husband is putting in the ground my very brand new Wayside Shrine. I am so excited (I know, I should get a life -- but this is good to be excited about).

I say appropriately because it is May 31 (still May) and it is the Feast of the Visitation. And, I say maybe not, because this is my Mother's Day gift and it did not come on Mother's Day, it came yesterday, and my husband did not even tell me that it was on its way on Mother's Day, he just didn't give me a gift and I thought it was because I was a very bad mother (actually I didn't I just thought he was a very bad husband). That was a very long run-on sentence, but I would have said it just like that. Ok? Ok.

Anyway, it's a beautiful cedar Wayside Shrine and I can't wait for you to see it out in my new garden by the new steps. Photos coming soon -- like tomorrow...or...soon.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mother of Grace

Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld - Madonna with child

"To give worthy praise to the Lord's mercy, we unite ourselves with Your Immaculate Mother, for then our hymn will be more pleasing to You, because She is chosen from among men and angels. Through Her, as through a pure crystal, Your mercy was passed on to us. Through Her, man became pleasing to God; Through Her, streams of grace flowed down upon us." (1746) --St. Faustina

Monday, May 28, 2012

Our Lady of America, pray for us

Our Lady of America

Oh Immaculate Mother, Queen of our country, open our hearts, our homes, and our land to the coming of Jesus, your Divine Son. With Him, reign over us, O heavenly Lady, so pure and so bright with the radiance of God's light shining in and about you. Be our leader against the powers of evil set upon wresting the world of souls, redeemed at such a great cost by the sufferings of your Son and of yourself, in union with Him, from that same Savior, Who loves us with infinite charity.

We gather about you, O chaste and holy Mother, Virgin Immaculate, Patroness of our beloved Land, determined to fight under your banner of holy purity against the wickedness that would make all the world an abyss of evil, without God and without your loving maternal care.

We consecrate our hearts, our homes, our Land to your Most Pure Heart, O great Queen, that the kingdom of your Son, our Redeemer and our God, may be firmly established in us.
We ask no special sign of you, sweet Mother, for we believe in your great love for us, and we place in you our entire confidence. We promise to honor you by faith, love, and the purity of our lives according to your desire.

Reign over us, then, O Virgin Immaculate, with your Son Jesus Christ. May His Divine Heart and your most chaste Heart be ever enthroned and glorified among us. Use us, your children of America, as your instruments of peace among men and nations. Work your miracle of grace in us, so that we may be a glory to the Blessed Trinity, Who created, redeemed, and sanctifies us.

May your valiant spouse, St. Joseph, with the holy Angels and Saints, assist you and us in "renewing the face of the earth." Then when our work is over, come, Holy Immaculate Mother, and as our Victorious Queen, lead us to the eternal kingdom, where your Son reigns forever as King.

Written at the behest of Our Lady, October 5, 1956 by Sister Mary Ephrem

Sunday, May 27, 2012

First disciple

RESTOUT, Jean II Pentecost 1732

"The figure of the Blessed Virgin does not disillusion any of the profound expectations of the men and women of our time but offers them the perfect model of the disciple of the Lord: the disciple who builds up the earthly and temporal city while being a diligent pilgrim towards the heavenly and eternal city; the disciple who works for that justice which sets free the oppressed and for that charity which assists the needy; but above all, the disciple who is the active witness of that love which builds up Christ in people's hearts." Marialis Cultus Apostolic Exhortation for the Right Ordering and Development of Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary Pope Paul VI February 2, 1974

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Virgin of Adoration

The Virgin Adoring the Host,1852
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (French, 1780–1867)
"The Eucharist had so powerful an attraction for the Blessed Virgin that she could not live away from it. She lived in it and by it. She passed her days and her nights at the feet of her divine Son…. Her love for her hidden God shone in her countenance and communicated its ardour to all about her." - St. Peter Julian Eymard

Friday, May 25, 2012

Sorrowful Mother, pray for us

CHAMPAIGNE, Philippe de
The Presentation of the Temple

Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And inspired by the Spirit he came into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the law, he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to thy people Israel. And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him; and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, "Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is spoken against (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed." Luke 2:25-35

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mother of Life, pray for us

Study for the Colonna Pietà
c. 1538

Our Lady gave God a human heart.
 She made it possible for Him, for Christ, to love me. 
She gave her life to be His life.
 She gave Him her body, what He asked for. 
She gave Christ His capacity for pain. 
Giving Him life she gave Him death. 
She was made for Christ and then literally her life became His life.
 She gave birth not only to Christ in history, but to the Christ in all of us. 
 She gave her good simple life to be the substance of His life in all of us. 
 Her love for him always radiated, always went out to the whole world, always touched sinners. 
 When she held Him to her heart, she took all broken, sinful men to her heart. 
Giving Him her life, she gave us our life. -- Caryll Houselander

with needle & thREAD

needle and thREAD 

 Boy, has there been a lot of needle and thread these days. After finishing three of my cute little girlie outfits (one for my daughter and two for my husband's niece Olivia's birthday gift), I made a list of all the things I have yet to sew. It's a big list. So is the list of rosaries I have to make in the next week and scapulars to hand sew. I really need to stop sleeping. I must admit that less blogging has helped but I am still burning the midnight oil every day to sew at the machine, or twist wire around beads.

Last night I finished the last little girlie two-piece outfit -- for my daughter, and now I have just one dress to sew for my daughter and her sewing is finished. Then three skirts and two blouses for me. At least that is what I have the fabric purchased for.

I already showed you one of the two-piece outfits of my daughter, but I'll post her picture here again, just for fun and because it's so cute.

This outfit for my husband's niece is the same but smaller:

And this next one is one of my favorites -- the scooter skirt with the one-piece top. This little top is great for little girls (no development on top, if you know what I mean) and I will be sad for the day -- probably in the not-too-distant future -- when my girl can no longer wear it. It's all one piece and even though a little tummy sometimes shows, it's sweet and so innocent. I have to make the scooter skirt a little longer for my string-bean-legged girl.

(The steps are my husband's latest projects and really deserve a post all of their own, so I'll save those details.)

This is the same two-piece outfit I gave to Olivia, except I added ricrac. I think I ripped that outfit apart no fewer than five times and I swear even though I love ricrac I will never use it on this particular pattern again. Ugh.

I took the gift to the birthday girl last night and she tried both on and looked as cute as a button in them. Actually she was way cuter than a button, and they fit perfectly.

Do you think maybe I have a thing for gingham and seersucker?

If you are looking to make some very simple summer clothes for a little girl, I highly recommend this pattern. It is just so cute no matter which piece you make and match.

I didn't get a picture of the book I am reading, but appropriately, it is The Seamstress. I must tell you, however, of the book I finished in just a few days. I read about it at Sarah's Amongst Lovely Things and it was a great book. Fiction, but based on a real brain injury, it's Left Neglected, and it would make great summer reading.

Go to Elizabeth's to check out what everyone else is reading and sewing.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mother of My Lord, pray for me


St. Ambrose:
"When the angel revealed his message to the Virgin Mary he gave her a sign to win her trust. He told her of the motherhood of an old and barren woman to show that God is able to do all that he wills. When she hears this Mary sets out for the hill country. She does not disbelieve God’s word; she feels no uncertainty over the message or doubt about the sign. She goes eager in purpose, dutiful in conscience, hastening for joy.

Filled with God, where would she hasten but to the heights? The Holy Spirit does not proceed by slow, laborious efforts. Quickly, too, the blessings of her coming and the Lord’s presence are made clear: as soon as Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting the child leapt in her womb, and she was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Notice the contrast and the choice of words. Elizabeth is the first to hear Mary’s voice, but John is the first to be aware of grace. She hears with the ears of the body, but he leaps for joy at the meaning of the mystery. She is aware of Mary’s presence, but he is aware of the Lord’s: a woman aware of a woman’s presence, the forerunner aware of the pledge of our salvation. The women speak of the grace they have received while the children are active in secret, unfolding the mystery of love with the help of their mothers, who prophesy by the spirit of their sons.

The child leaps in the womb; the mother is filled with the Holy Spirit, but not before her son. Once the son has been filled with the Holy Spirit, he fills his mother with the same Spirit. John leaps for joy, and the spirit of Mary rejoices in her turn. When John leaps for joy Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit, but we know that though Mary’s spirit rejoices, she does not need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Her son, who is beyond our understanding, is active in his mother in a way beyond our understanding. Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit after conceiving John, while Mary is filled with the Holy Spirit before conceiving the Lord. Elizabeth says: Blessed are you because you have believed.

You also are blessed because you have heard and believed. A soul that believes both conceives and brings forth the Word of God and acknowledges his works.

Let Mary’s soul be in each of you to proclaim the greatness of the Lord. Let her spirit be in each to rejoice in the Lord. Christ has only one mother in the flesh, but we all bring forth Christ in faith. Every soul receives the Word of God if only it keeps chaste, remaining pure and free from sin, its modesty undefiled. The soul that succeeds in this proclaims the greatness of the Lord, just as Mary’s soul magnified the Lord and her spirit rejoiced in God her Savior. In another place we read: Magnify the Lord with me. The Lord is magnified, not because the human voice can add anything to God but because he is magnified within us. Christ is the image of God, and if the soul does what is right and holy, it magnifies that image of God, in whose likeness it was created and, in magnifying the image of God, the soul has a share in its greatness and is exalted."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Queen of Heaven, pray for us

Wedding at Cana
Jan Cornelisz. Vermeyen            

"On the third day there was a marriage at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there; Jesus also was invited to the marriage, with his disciples. When the wine failed, the mother of Jesus said to him, 'They have no wine.'  And Jesus said to her, 'O woman, what have you to do with me? My hour has not yet come.'  His mother said to the servants, 'Do whatever he tells you.'" John 2:1-5

At the wedding at Cana, Mary looked at the wedding guests, saw what they needed, and made her request to Jesus, on their behalf , for more wine. He knew well that she was asking for a miracle, but replied that His "hour is not yet come." Knowing her place, she doesn't insist, but shetrusts that Her Son would comply. She is the Queen Mother, she'd made her request, she trusted in Him and in His trust of her, and, just after He said that His hour had not yet come, she told the waiters there with all confidence, "Whatsoever He shall say to you, do ye." And then Jesus did comply, asking those waiters to fill six jugs with water -- water that He then changed into the wine Mary sought for the thirsty guests. It was at Our Lady's request that Jesus performed His first public miracle and that He first revealed His divinity to the masses. What we must remember is that He performs miracles and reveals Himself at her request even today. By asking for Mary's intercession, by honoring her, and by perfectly imitating her, we can get closer to Jesus.

We Catholics honor our Queen and Mother in many ways, most especially by "doing what He tells us" per her advice to the waiters at the wedding at Cana. This is her fondest wish, her deep desire: that we come to know, love, and serve her Son! To better serve God is the ultimate objective of any honor given to Our Lady and the very purpose Marian devotion. "Per Matrem ad Filium" -- "Through the Mother to the Son" is the motto of the Catholic who especially loves Our Lady. 

source: fisheaters.com


What a weekend. It was the dance recital weekend. Dress rehearsal was all day Saturday and the recital was from 12:30 to about 8:30 yesterday (two recitals, but Faith danced in both). It was exhausting and I didn't dance a step. I did, however, stay with Faith all day Saturday, watched the first recital with my mom yesterday, and then played backstage parent yesterday afternoon (ie babysat the girls while they waited for their dance, hunted for lost shoes, bows, tights, etc.). I truly had no idea how much work was involved in such an event.

 It was a beautiful recital, however. Faith takes lessons from a Leap of Faith studio and the entire recital, every song, every dance, was a dance for God. I have been to other dance recitals, and they are nice, but this recital was so very different because it was all for God. Words cannot express how moving it is to see these beautiful little souls -- hundreds of them -- dance for Our Lord. Each dance has meaning because it is scripture based and the music reflects the theme. I could go on and on...but, I won't.

I will show you  picture of my pretty dancer, however. She did such a good job. I admit I had little confidence because she is such a goofball at home, and this was her first year dancing. She is not very graceful in her day to day movements; she really acts more like a boy. But she did a beautiful job in her dance and she was so graceful. She got every single move right and didn't miss one step. I was so proud.

And because the song she danced to was this one, I blubbered like an idiot through most of it.

Faith had decided a few weeks ago that she was not going to take dance lessons again. I don't think she enjoyed the discipline necessary, and when she originally signed up I think she had images of little girls just leaping and twirling around the studio for an hour a week. It was more work than she imagined. But after yesterday I think she might do it again. Next year I'm shooting for lyrical ballet and maybe jazz. I think she'd be good at jazz, but I really love having a little ballerina.

Today is a day off. Being gone all weekend meant no laundry got done, no grocery shopping, no gardening. So we'll catch up today and do school tomorrow. Today we'll spend time smelling all those beautiful flowers my ballerina received after her dances.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

House of Gold, pray for us

MURILLO, Bartolomé Esteban
The Two Trinities

“There is no danger of exaggerating. We never hope to fathom this inexpressible mystery nor will we ever be able to give sufficient thanks to our Mother for bringing us into such intimacy with the Blessed Trinity.”  --Saint Josemaria Escriva

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Virgin most powerful, pray for us

"Men do not fear a powerful hostile army as the powers of hell fear the name and protection of Mary."  --St. Bonaventure 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sorrowful Mother, pray for us

On the way to Calvary, Jesus sees his mother. Their eyes meet. They understand one another. Mary knows who her son is. She knows whence he has come. She knows what his mission is. Mary knows that she is his mother; but she also knows that she is his daughter. She sees him suffer for all men and women, those of the past, present and future. And she too suffers.

Certainly, Jesus,
it pains you to see your mother suffer in this way.
But you must make her a part
of this tremendous divine drama.
For such is God’s plan
for the salvation of the human race.

For every man and woman in this world, but especially for us families, the meeting of Jesus and his mother on the way to Calvary is a powerful and ever timely event. Jesus gave up his mother so that each of us – including the spouses among us – might have a mother who is always there for us. Sometimes, sadly, we forget this. But, when we think about it, we realize that countless times in our lives as families we have turned to her. How close she has been to us in times of trouble! How many times have we entrusted our children to her, how often we have asked her to intervene for their physical health and, even more, for their moral protection!

How often has Mary heard us, and have we felt her near to comfort us with a mother’s love.

Along each family’s way of the cross, Mary is the model of that silence which, even in moments of overwhelming pain, gives birth to new life.

source: vatican.va

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother most admirable, pray for us

Christ and His Mother Studying the Scriptures c. 1909, oil on canvas
Henry Ossawa Tanner

Oh, God, make me a better parent.

Help me to understand my children, to listen patiently to what they have to say and to answer all their questions kindly. Keep me from interrupting them, talking back to them and contradicting them. Make me as courteous to them as I would have them be to me. Give me the courage to confess my sins against my children and to ask of them forgiveness, when I know that I have done them wrong.

May I not vainly hurt the feelings of my children. Forbid that I should laugh at their mistakes or resort to shame and ridicule as punishment. Let me not tempt a child to lie and steal. So guide me hour by hour that I may demonstrate by all I say and do that honesty produces happiness.

Reduce, I pray, the meanness in me. May I cease to nag; and when I am out of sorts, help me, Oh Lord, to hold my tongue.

Blind me to the little errors of my children and help me to see the good things that they do. Give me a ready word for honest praise.

Help me to treat my children as those of their own age, but let me not exact of them the judgments and conventions of adults. Allow me not to rob them of the opportunity to wait upon themselves, to think, to choose, and to make decisions.

Forbid that I should ever punish them for my selfish satisfaction. May I grant them all of their wishes that are reasonable and have the courage always to withhold a privilege which I know will do them harm.

Make me so fair and just, so considerate and companionable to my children that they will have a genuine esteem for me. Fit me to be loved and imitated by my children.

With all thy gifts, Oh God, do give me calm and poise and self control.

---Garry Myers, co-founder of Highlights for Children

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rosary Giveaway

I was a little bit sad to see so few people enter the rosary giveaway, but I guess that means you all have rosaries you love. That's a good thing!

I left the drawing open for the rest of the day, but have now (randomly) picked a winner, and it is.....


I have your address, Gail, unless you want me to send it elsewhere.

Loving Mother, pray for us

“Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.” – Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Faithful Mother

The Four Church Fathers and the Virgin of Seven Sorrows with Saints
GUARDI, Francesco

Divine Intimacy:

It would be very far from the truth to think that the divine mysteries were so revealed to Mary, and the divinity of Jesus was so evident to her, that she had no need of faith. Excepting the Annunciation and the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, we do not find any extraordinary manifestations of the supernatural in her life. Mary lived by pure faith, trusting in God's word even as we must. The divine mysteries which took place in her and around her remained habitually hidden under the veil of faith, assuming an outward appearance common to the various circumstances of ordinary daily life. Hence, they were often concealed under obscure, disconcerting aspects such as the extreme poverty in which Jesus was born, the necessity of fleeing into exile in order to save Him, the King of heaven, from the wrath of an earthly king, the toil undergone to procure for Him the strict necessities, and the lack of even these, perhaps. Yet Mary never doubted that this weak, helpless Child, who needed her maternal care and protection just like any other child, was the Son of God. She always believed, even when she did not understand. Witness for example, the unexpected disappearance of the twelve-year-old Boy who had remained in the Temple without His parents' knowledge. St Luke relates that when Jesus explained His action, giving as a reason that He was carrying out the mission entrusted to Him by His heavenly Father, Mary and Joseph "did not understand His words" (cf. 2,50). Although Mary knew that Jesus was the Messiah, she did not know how He was to accomplish His mission; at this time, therefore, she did not see the connection between the divine will and His remaining behind in the Temple. Nevertheless, she questioned Him no further. She believed that Jesus was her God, and that was enough for her; she was certain, absolutely certain of Him.

 Sometimes in our spiritual life, we come to a halt because we insist on understanding and searching into God's plans for our soul. A faithful soul, on the other hand, does not linger to inquire about God's actions; even though not fully understanding them, it believes, following blindly, if necessary, the manifestations of the divine will. This is pleasing to God who does not ask us to understand, but only to believe with all our strength.

"O Mary, overshadow me and I shall be calm and confident. Accompany me on my way and lead me by secret paths. I shall not be spared suffering, but you will arouse in me a real hunger for it, as for an indispensable food. Mary! Your name is sweet as honey and balm to my lips. Hail, Mary! who can resist you? Who can be lost if he says, 'Hail, Mary?' You are the Mother of the little ones, the health of the sick, the star in storms…. Oh! Mary! If I am helpless, without courage, without consolation, I run to you and cry: Ave Maria! You are the comfort of slaves, the courage of little ones, the strength of the weak, Ave Maria! When I say your name, my whole heart is inflamed, Ave Maria! Joy of angels, food of souls, Ave Maria! (cf E Poppe).

Monday, May 14, 2012

Refuge of sinners, pray for us

MURILLO, Bartolomé Esteban
Virgin and Child with a Rosary

"The rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is the book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of this world, and open on the substance of the next.  The power of the rosary is beyond description."-- Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Don't forget to enter the giveaway by Wednesday.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother of all Mothers, pray for us

Rest during the Flight to Egypt
Mancini, Francesco

Mary, on this day when we honor all mothers, we turn to you. We thank the Lord whom you serve for the great gift of motherhood. Never has it been known that anyone who sought your intercession was left unaided by grace. Dear Mother, thank you for your “Yes” to the invitation of the angel which brought heaven to earth and changed human history. You opened yourself to God’s word and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

Dear mother, intercede for all of our mothers. Ask your Divine Son to give them the grace of surrendered love so that they could join with you in giving their own “Fiat.” May they find daily strength to say yes to the call to the sacrificial love- the very heart of the vocation of motherhood. May their love and witness be a source of great inspiration for all of us called to follow your Son.

On this Mothers day, Mother of the Word Incarnate, pray for us who have recourse to you…

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

prayer from catholic.org

Happy Mother's Day, dearest friends, and please don't forget to enter the drawing for the rosary on Tuesday. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us


TIEPOLO, Giovanni Battista
The Institution of the Rosary

St Louis de Montfort  ~~ "Mary is Queen of heaven and earth by grace, as Jesus is the King of them by nature and conquest."

I intended to do this days ago, in preparation for Mother's Day, but...life distracted me.

Instead, I'll do it halfway through the month, at noon on May 15 -- a rosary giveaway. Leave a comment here (with your name and a way to get in touch -- this part is a must) between now and then (noon on May 15) and I'll give away this rosary.

The center of this rosary is one of my favorites, as is the crucifix. I paired the regal blue pearls with a beautiful soft shade of yellow. The Ave beads are 6mm deep blue Swarovski crsytal pearls, and the Pater Noster beads are 6mm jonquil Swarovski crystals, capped with bronze caps. They are strung on 49-strand, flexible steel wire with light lemon yellow Czech and bronze seed beads. The center and the crucifix are both hand cast from solid bronze.