Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Raindrops on roses and other favorite things

Summer brings so many of my favorite things, I wrote them down to share. I'd love for you to share yours, too.

Favorite summer smells are...

...burning marshmallows

...noxema at bedtime

...barbecue smoke

...citronella candles

...roasting corn

...hard rain on hot pavement

...tastes are...

...cucumbers in ice water


...sweet tea with fresh mint

...lime Kool-aid ice cubes, wrapped in paper napkins

...bing cherries

...vanilla ice cream and fresh strawberries

...sounds are...

...the ping of a metal baseball bat

..."Take me out to the ball game..."

...the pop and crack of a bonfire

..the rumbling thunder

...the ding-ding of a bicycle bell

...the flapping of the clothes on the line

...the slam of the screen door

...sights are...

...roses, and zinnias, and marguerite daisies (pictured above)

...dappled sunlight on freshly stained deck boards

...petal pink toenails

...open books on every table

...flapping flags

...Roman candles

...feels are...

...bare feet on wet pavement and cool grass

...cool raindrops on hot skin

...a cool, dark church

...falling into an Adirondack in the shade

...cool, cotton nightgowns

...shady breezes

How about you, friend?
What are your favorite summer things?

PS Sitting in church this morning I was thinking (Mass had not yet started so, as usual, my mind wandered over the first few Hail Mary beads of my rosary) how so many of the things I listed above actual fall into more than one category. A cool, dark church is much more than something to feel -- it's a sight and a sound and smell! Would a watermelon taste as good if it were not bright red and green, and would Noxema smell so good if it didn't feel so cool and creamy on my skin? The pop and crack of a bonfire comes with the beauty and warmth of the flame and the smell of smoke.

And aren't all of these wonderful things made infinitely more beautiful by the sheer fact that Our Heavenly Father has made them all available to us to enjoy?


  1. Fun!

    my favorite summer smells include suntan lotion and just about any food cooked on the grill.

    Favorite tastes are ice cream (coffee and chocolate are high on the list), sweet tea, watermelon, iced coffee and nectarines.

    Favorite sounds are kids playing those games they make up with different rules every time, thunder booms, my kids playing their guitars, bass, banjo, mandolin and didgeridoo.

    favorite sights are a clothesline full of clean laundry, an early-morning sunrise, meteor showers in August, and little kids all decked out to "swim" in their giant tubes, life jackets and goggles.

    favorite feels are that longed-for breeze on a humid day, warm, early-morning sunshine, the hug of a friend I haven't seen since last summer!

  2. That was really beautiful! I could see, taste, smell and feel all of them!

  3. this was a beautiful post!
    i love the smell of noxema too!
    i could picture everything you mentioned so vividly!
    if i have some time this afternoon i'll play along....
    i could use an exercise like this to focus on the GOOD.
    and not things like sticky messes and the monday mountain of laundry!


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!