Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Friday, April 10, 2009

Note to self


On future Good Fridays, do not plan to do anything. Life will test you enough, provide plenty of penance, without any added responsibilities. In fact, the added responsibilities simply prevent you from catching those curve balls life will throw at you.

I am 46 years old. You would think I would have figured this out by now.

And, as penance, I'm not going to list all of the curve balls I was hit with today.

I am, however going to tell you a little story.

About an hour ago, my 12-year-old son came downstairs with tears in his eyes. He reported that his big brothers were being "very mean." They were making a mess of his room -- one of whom shares the room with him (which, as a side, is a mess on any given day so I don't know why he was so upset). I went upstairs, and when I opened the bedroom door I saw that the two brothers, a 17-year-old and a 19-year-old, were tearing up little bits of paper and dropping them into a running fan to watch them fly around the room, which actually was a huge mess. These are two men, for all intents and purposes, who can legally drive a car, hold a job, marry, and one of whom could go to war.

They didn't do this kind of thing when they were little. I guess they are making up for it.



  1. and is it mean of me to be sitting here laughing....I really think those boys were simply involved in a huge physics project!

  2. Sending a lttle appropriate sympathy your way, from a mother of three boys, grandmother of seven boys and girls. Sorry for chuckling, though. Rosemary

  3. i think raising boys and curve balls go hand-in-hand don't you think? in fact i think it is the BOYS who THROW most of the curve balls. at least that is how it is here...with boys that are 15, 11 and 5 i pretty much feel your pain barb. i wish i could say it gets better, but you are farther ahead in the game than i am and it doesn't look very promising from this end. especially since my husband would probably be the one shredding the bits of paper...peter pan syndrome? who knows. most of the time i am just too exasperated to deal with it.
    have a blessed easter.
    ps. maybe next time you should hand them a bag of confetti and let them at it. then calmly leave the room whilst telling them they cannot eat a SINGLE thing until it's all cleaned up! if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
    sorry for being so long winded! =)

  4. The good news is: At least the two big boys stopped bickering (I assume) long enough to torment the 12-year-old.

    The even better news is: Soon it will be Easter and you won't feel that you have to put up with such shenanigans as a penance! ;)

  5. thank you for the heads up on what is to come in the not so distant future, for me.

    I agree. less is more on good friday.

  6. It sounds like fun, but I'm glad my boys haven't though of it yet. They're only 17 & 15.

  7. Cheryl,
    Oh, yeah, physics! Pfft!

    Truthfinder, I'm glad you got a chuckle. We can all use one of those once in a while.

    They are throwing curve balls more the older they get. They were pretty mellow little boys -- played in mud, got holes in the knees of their pants, jumped off the top of the swing set -- normal boy stuff. I guess this just proves that boys never really grow up. Of course, my husband taught me that a long time ago. I suppose I thought it was his mother's fault!

    According to my oldest son, all I need to do is lighten up! Just wait until your son tells you that!

    CraftyP, No problem -- you know just what to look forward to. ;-)

    Sara, Maybe there just aren't any fans sitting around, or I have confidence that they would!

  8. Oh no! My sons are 22 months and 2 months! If that's what will happen when they're older, I'm in trouble as they overwhelm me right now. Ah well, I'll keep praying and ask my Guardian Angel for help. Somehow I suppose it will work out.

    Happy Easter, Barbara, and I'll keep you in my prayers.


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!