Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Friday, November 07, 2008

And on a lighter note...

Nancy at Be Not Afraid hearts me. It is lovely to be hearted! And as my "reward," I'm suppose to answer these questions with one word and I'm not very frugal with words, but I'll try.

1. where is your cell phone? closeby

2. where is dh? gone (but not forever)

3. your hair color? silver

4. your mother? nearby

5. your father? heaven

6. your favorite thing? love

7. your dream last night? unmemorable

8. your dream/goal? beneficence

9. the room you're in? family

10. your hobby? rosaries

11. your fear? failure

12. where do you want to be in six years? hither

13. where were you last night? home

14. what you're not? wise

15. one of your wish list items? patience

16. where you grew up? Ohio (mostly)

17. the last thing you did? sipped (hot coffee)

18. what are you wearing? nightgown (and robe)

19. your tv? off

20. your pet? (7 new) fish

21. your computer? humming

22. your mood? content

23. missing someone? baby (#1)

24. your car? big

25. something you're not wearing? earrings

26. favorite store? none

27. your summer? uncomfortable

28. love someone? many

29. your favorite color? yellow

30. when is the last time you laughed? yesterday

31. last time you cried? Sunday

I love all of the blogs on my sidebar, so if you're there, consider yourself hearted. I heart you, ladies!



  1. Love your blog too! God Bless your day! Sending warm hugs your way Barbara! :-)

  2. Oh, boy! How exciting! Love you, too!! Hugs and hugs and hugs,

  3. Oh good, I'm still there.
    I'm totally doing this one.

    And you are much hearted over here!



I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!