Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Monday, August 18, 2008

"Every color I could ever need"

I ran into an Office Max today to grab a few things for Josh's first day of school. Just a couple notebooks and pens, some copy paper, packs of my two favorite kinds of pencils (yes, I can have two), and as we were walking past the Crayola products, Peach said breathlessly (I told you I ran in), "Mom, do you think I could get some crayons?"

She doesn't often ask for craft supplies, and since I buy almost no school supplies for our homeschool each year, I said, "yes." A box of 64 was on sale for $3-something.

When we got home, she grabbed her basket of coloring books, some at least 16 years old from Geoffrey's early coloring days, and opened the box of crayons. After a few minutes of getting one color out and then putting it back and finding another, she said dreamily (as only little girls can) "Mom, I have every color I could ever need."

With years worth of crayons dumped into a big plastic box, I don't know if the poor thing has ever had a brand new box. Some people are just really easy to please.



  1. I love new crayons.
    I especially love the new boxes that new crayons come in.
    I just purchased some for my friends children as we headed for the beach, so they could color in the back. Instead, they opted for the new markers (magic markers in my day) and put the crayons on the back window shelf.
    I forgot about them until today.
    It's hot here.
    It was not pretty when I opened up that box.
    Bye bye crayons.

  2. So cute! I love new crayons also...so why can't I bring myself to throw away the bin of 16 year old crayons in our school room...does my brain think those little boys will come back one day to color using them.

  3. It is absolutely normal to have two different favorite kinds of pencils. It's as normal as my belief that my handwriting is deplorable with cheap, medium tip ball point pens. But with the fine point pens, my handwriting is mych nicer.

    Completely normal :)

    (And we love new crayons around here, too!)

  4. My mom had our crayons in an ice cream bucket all our years growing up! Looking back, I feel sorry for the youngest!

    I think because of that bucket and my love for color and crayons, I always buy new for the school year, hey, they are only like 17 cents at good old Wal-mart, only now right before school, we stock up for the year. We save the old crayons for melting between wax paper and making leaf pictures!

    I love the color book part too, we have some of my sisters old color books in our pile of oldies! Why do we keep those?

  5. I meant to say, why do we keep those because plain old scrap paper is what they use most!!


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!