Monday, August 22, 2011


Outside my window...
...mid 70s and actually very lovely. We had some downpours over the weekend so I guess praying for rain worked!

I am thinking...
...that I just did a Daybook, but I guess that's because I was so late last week in doing it.

I am thankful for....

...a quiet weekend (though not nearly as quiet as planned -- isn't that always the way things work?)

...good doctors, good medical facilities, mediocre insurance (because mediocre is better than none)

...good, inexpensive pain medications

...a little girl on the mend

...prayers, (strong) black coffee, always

From the lesson plans...
...I ordered the rest of Faith's books over the weekend, and now between the Teaching Textbooks I ordered a few weeks ago, the books we already have on the shelves, and what I ordered from CHC and Amazon -- I'm all set as soon as the boxes arrive. Yeah! Now I have to put it all down on paper.

Last year I used a computer program for keeping track of assignments and grades, but like Sara (I didn't want to admit it Sara, so I'm glad you did) I found sitting down at the computer each day to be very cumbersome. I could probably easily do it on my iPhone this year, but I think it's just something extra that has to be done that makes me buck (just a slight tendency toward rebellion). I think the good old-fashioned paper planner is for me this year.

From the kitchen...
...a dinner to celebrate the Queenship of Mary. The boys will be gone so it will be just Doug and I and little Faith (who is not yet eating too much following her tonsillectomy Friday)

I am wearing... cotton crops, a blue, green and white top and blue slippers (no plans to go farther than the clothesline today)

I am creating...
...I finished the market bag (yeah!) and a wire-wrapped rosary.

I am reading...
... My Antonia by Willa Catha and Dr. Ray's book on parenting teens.

I am hoping...
...for a good week. Noah starts school on Wednesday -- the first time since he finished kindergarten. He was homeschooled from grade one through eight, so this year will be an adjustment. And as much as I never thought I would say this, I am anxious for him to start school. I think it will be good for him. It's a good school and I think they will make a better man of him than he would become at home (admitted sheepishly). It's an all-boys, college prep, Catholic school, where my husband and my two other sons graduated. It's a right of passage at this point, I suppose.

I am hearing...
...Faith playing Mario on the Wii from her spot on the sofa.

Around the house...
...laundry to wash and hang outdoors.

The basement is still torn up but I am waiting on Doug to do his parts before I can do more myself. I can't believe how long it has taken us to do this project. The older we get the longer it takes to do anything (sheesh!). Doug is putting beadboard on the walls down the stairs and after we decided to do that (at my suggestion -- I now regret) we realized that the wall that was built on top of the foundation wall common with the garage was built crooked -- great craftsmanship. So now we are forced to compensate for the crooked wall and it is requiring a lot of thinking and more work. For two weekends in a row we have found ourselves sitting on the stairs staring at the wall. Yesterday he bought the supplies and started. After he finishes the walls then we have to tear out the carpet and apply the carpet tiles. Needless to say we won't be starting the school year down there.

I am going...
...nowhere, at least that's the plan.

One of my favorite things... school books on the way.

I am praying for... children, especially Faith for healing, and Noah in his first week of school, and for my husband

...our next door neighbors' new twin girls. One of the girls has VSD and has not come home yet, after a month. She was supposed to come home this week but the doctors and insurance company can not agree on her coming home with a feeding tube and so she can not come home. I feel so awful for her parents -- they just want their little family to be together.

...our priests and all religious

...several soldiers

...all of the babies whose mothers are contemplating abortion this week

Plans for the rest of the week...
...two more days until Noah starts school and we start back into the pattern of pick-up everyday at 3:15. Faith and I will probably start some light school toward the end of the week.

Quote of the day...
Because Mary is Mother of all, she is Queen of all hearts: "Mary . . . cannot make her residence in [souls] as God the Father ordered her to do and, as their mother, form, nourish, and bring them forth to eternal life . . . unless she has a right and a domination over souls by a singular grace of the Most High . . . and so we can call her . . . the Queen of all hearts" (TD 37-38). Inextricably united to the Savior’s conquest by her cooperation in the redemptive Incarnation and, therefore, in all that flows from it, she shares in a unique way in his royal authority. Queenship is, for Montfort, a logical consequence of the fact that she is truly and effectively Mother of all. It is a Queenship only analogically similar to the queens of his age, for Mary’s authority is a maternal one of love within the hearts of people, to influence them to surrender all to the overshadowing Spirit, so that Christ may be formed in them to the glory of the Father. Like the queen- mother of the kingdom of Judah, Mary sits upon a throne at the right of the monarch (1 Kings 2:19; TD 76). The biblical theme of the queen- mother (gebirah) is brought to its fulfillment in Mary, mother of the Messiah-King (cf. Is 7:14). Whoever accepts Jesus as King will enthrone the mother of the King beside him.
Her maternal Queenship connotes authority as vast as that of her Son but always—as is everything in Montfort’s Marian doctrine—subordinate to and directed to Christ. Mary is, of her very person, as mother of the Redeemer and therefore Mother of the redeemed, a unique influence in this universe, lovingly luring all to surrender with her to Jesus Christ the King. Montfort’s teaching is in accord with the famous text of "Ad coeli reginam": "Jesus Christ alone, God and man, is King in the strict, full, and absolute sense. Mary shares in his royal dignity in a secondary way, dependent on the sovereignty of her son. She is the mother of Christ God and is his associate in the work of Redemption, in the conflict with the enemy and in his complete victory. It is from this union with Christ the King that she reaches a height of splendor unequaled in all creation."70 -- JESUS LIVING IN MARY:



  1. Praying for Faith and Noah, and for you and your husband. We are moving to Hamilton, Ohio over the next two weeks, but I'll check your posts periodically to see how Faith is doing. Sounds like Noah is going to a good school: having raised three boys with my spouse, I wish we had sent them all to a boys' school. They need that male reinforcement, and they can concentrate better without girl-type distractions :) At least, if they're not texting they can! Have a blessed week. --- Rosemary

  2. Adding my prayers too :)
    ...Regina Caeli, laetare, alleluia!


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!