Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Monday, November 02, 2009

Ever So Thankful


Mentally moving toward Thanksgiving, I'm going to try focus on being thankful, at least every day, and try to post here, a couple times a week, my thankful thoughts (and an a occasional picture).

For a safe, friendly neighborhood, and "the best Trick or Treat ever" (according to Little Red Riding Hood -- and thankfully everyone knew who she was).

And I suppose I am thankful that Maggie is a mellow puppy and will allow herself to be dressed as a fairy by the youngest child (but really Peach just wanted me to show you her picture).

I'm thankful for the Communion of Saints in heaven to whom we turn daily for their beneficent prayers. (And I'm particularly thankful that there are many more in heaven than there are on my mantel).

For warm candles and blankets on a cold fall night. The weather turned (again) and it is cold, cold, cold at night and getting colder each day.

I'm also thankful for the early night. I so appreciate the hard stop that darkness affords us in the winter. We settle down sooner and turn in earlier...the long winter's night.

If you will join me in posting your Thankful Thoughts, leave a comment so I can share a link.



  1. I really like this idea, Barbara! And I will participate in "Thankful Thoughts." I just have to get my thoughts together =)

    Your mantle with all your wooden saints is so lovely! And Peach looks so cute as Little Red Riding Hood!

    Happy Monday!

  2. Great idea!

    Every Nov. I bring out the biggest goldest bow I have (save for every nov.)

    At supper one person has the bow on their plate. After prayers, we all go around and say why we are thankful for the person. ONLY 3 things or it can drag on.

    Fun and easy to do!

  3. Beautiful post, Barb...and equally lovely images! Thanks for sharing the reminder that we should all remember to count our blessings...

  4. I will definitely be joining in with you this month...
    Beautiful photos!(esp the one of Peach as Red Riding Hood... neat idea!)

  5. Oh, Peach looks so adorable as Little Red Riding Hood, what a fun person to play!!

    It is good to be thankful, beautiful post, as usual!

  6. Love your SWEET little red riding hood, your saint display, candles, doggie, yes, kindred things. (wink) I'm always thinking of ways to offer thanksgiving because it makes everything right with the world to me personally. I just posted about this yesterday. We've already had our thanksgiving here in Canada, but I love your idea to get moving on even more thankful things so I would love to join in just the same. Oh, and by the way, I'm very thankful for your three very wonderful blogs! They bless me over and over again.


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!