Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

There was a farmer had a dog...


...but she came home with us -- O.

Yes, she did. And I absolutely have lost my mind. There is no other reason why I would bring a new puppy home at this time.

And now I am alternating between mixing gin and tonics and potty walks with a puppy on a leash (which is a completely foreign object, as is everything else she comes in contact with, unless of course we happen to run into a chicken). Just kidding about the gin and tonics -- I only mixed one.

Her name is Maggie May -- so that when she is a bad puppy I can sing "Maggie... I wish I'd never seen your face." Just kidding. I might think it, but I won't sing it, unless I have had more than one gin and tonic. (Name that artist and you can win a turn with the pooper scooper.)

She's a 13 week old Australian Shepherd and I'll be sure to fill you in on all the details when I am doing fewer potty walks.

Rule No. 1: We never wake a sleeping doggy. Ever.



  1. Oh, Maggie, I couldn't have tried anymore...

    Love Rod Stewart!!! You can keep the pooper scooper. Shortcake is green with envy!

  2. Our dog is named Maggie May...and yes, it's Rod Stewart...and no, I don't want your pooper scooper...;)

    My hubby is the pooper scooper man here...one week he went out of town for work and we had to scoop the poop...only we scooped it into one huge pile so when he came home we could say..."look what Maggie did for us...she made in the same spot every day!!" (And our Maggie is an 80lb. lab...so the pile was big!) ha ha ha! Yes, we need a life! :)

    Your Maggie May is beautiful!

  3. You've got yourself a herdin' dog!!! Great for herdin' kids too! But man... they LOVE to RRRUUUUUNNNN. Great dogs though!!!

    Congrats on the new addition!!!

  4. Awwwww. :)
    Amen to rule #1. Do not wake the Sleeping Dog.
    Let Sleeping Dogs Lie. (Lay?)

  5. What fun! Congratulations on your new family member! Herding dogs are lots of fun!

  6. I'm not showing this to my kids. They'd be so jealous!

  7. Congratulations and welcome to the club!

  8. Charlotte, Tell Shortcake that everyone gets a turn with the pooper scooper when there's a puppy in the house!

    Cheryl, Thanks. I am hoping for slightly smaller piles -- and a good husband to clean them up (it was his idea!)

    Theresa, We do like our herding dogs -- this is the third one we've had, second Aussie.

    Emily, Lie. People (dogs) lie, things lay. And I even had to tell my husband rule #1 last night -- more than once!

    Nancy -- Peach is in love. They all are -- even that college boy!

    Michelle, Herding dogs are fun -- I don't think the instinct has kicked in yet. She sniffs the ground like a hound -- I think coming from a farm she had her nose to the ground all the time!

    Sarah -- I know -- they are like children. They come cute so you'll fall in love before they can get in to too much trouble.

    Sara -- Aw mom! Pleeease!

  9. Barbara, I can't believe your shock over chickens in the living room, and you've gotten a dog! Dogs are way more trouble. :-)

    Peach looks happy. I hope you all enjoy each other's company for many years to come!

  10. She is a beautiful dog!

    And... oh dear, I just know we'll beheading down that dog trail all too soon. My kids have been begging for years!

  11. I seem to recall the advice that a certain friend of the heart gave to me when we were thinking about getting a dog...

    I'll keep that advice to myself right now, and join Paula in saying, "Welcome to the puppy club!"

    (Although our pup's not a puppy anymore.)

    PS. In addition to the warnings you gave me, you also gave me lots of GREAT suggestions on dog care. I have no doubt that you can do this thing (again) and that your kids will love you for it! Look at those happy faces!!

  12. PPS. Should I be taking umbrage at the name you chose? :)

  13. Jennie, Thanks for your good wishes. I guess it's just that I've done dogs before. Chickens are another thing!

    Most of our neighbors have dogs and while I would have been happy to just let my children enjoy all the neighbor dogs, we decided that we'd rather have our children at our house.

    Margaret, I think I remember that advice and I think the fact that I admit my own insanity covers that. ;-)
    Please do not take offense at our name choice -- I would never pick a name I didn't love. And look at how cute that little face is --- aren't all Maggies cute? All morning I've had in my head "Wake up Maggie I think I've got something to say to you..." Does your husband wake you with that line?

  14. aw, but she is so cute!
    great name, except it isn't late september!

  15. By late September I think I'll be singing "...and I really should be back at school!" We've gotten next to nothing done this week!

  16. Wow, I am late to the pary, but that sure is one cute puppy you've got there! :) But I can never, never let my children see this -- especially Fiver, who works on me DAILY for a dog.


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!