Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Thursday, September 24, 2009



I'm just popping in to say "Hi." I am enjoying a break, but I do miss you.

I've turned my motor down and it's a good thing I did -- we got a big ol' household cold (and fever) of which I'm working on Day 5.

And then there's four days of no coffee (unless you consider this coffee -- I normally drink mine black and this just doesn't cut it, and so I cut it).

And we're on Day 3 of no air conditioning (why does Ohio wait for fall to get hot and muggy?). The motor died and we're waiting for parts.

And then there's that puppy (she' s doing well, but a puppy's a puppy -- as much work as a baby, but not near so sweet-smelling).

And there's a little girl who wants to be a puppy.

See ya when it feels like fall.



  1. Barbara, I'm praying you feel better in body, mind and spirit.

  2. hope y'all get better soon barb.
    it seems like when it rains it pours, eh?
    what is that in your cup???
    it looks like soy milk.
    but it's such a pretty cup.
    and that girl puppy is awfully pretty too.
    hold her in your lap and read some good stories.
    if it's not too hot and muggy...
    i say that with a smile as i am enjoying an unusually cool morning.
    CA can't make its' mind!
    enjoy your break.

  3. Michelle, Thank you for your kind thoughts.

    Regan, That's milk with a splash of coffee. I stay away from soy products -- it's just how milky the coffee was.

  4. Hi Barbara!

    Too bad we don't live closer, because one of my girls *loves* to pretend she's a dog. She and Peach would have a blast together, especially since she can't convince her other sisters to join in her canine fun.

    I hope you're all feeling better!


  5. hope you feel better soon! peach looks adorable.

  6. Sorry you got sick on your break! I'm sure that wasn't how you wanted to spend it. Hope you're feeling better, and back to visiting with us sooon!

  7. Feel better soon! (And Peach makes a very cute wannabe puppy.)


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!