Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7

Monday, July 07, 2008

Oh, You're HOMEschooled?


On the night of our big city's fireworks (the Third, not the Fourth -- don't ask, I don't know why), we were invited to a big donor event at the hospital where Doug will start his job in a month. There were a few doctors who wanted to introduce Doug around and found this informal gathering to be a great starting place. It was a very nice event and the people we met were very kind.

However, the children ran into that question a few times during the evening. You know the question -- "where do you go to school?" Mostly it was with Peach because the boys were hanging out together and generally not being introduced to adults. To one particular doctor and his wife who asked, Peach said quietly (she was being shy) "just at home." The doctor, who was really trying to make friends with her, said, "Oh, you're homeschooled." She said yes and then all eyes turned on me. You know the feeling. The wife got that look in hers eyes -- the one that says, "why would you do that?" They were very kind and made all of the usual remarks, "that takes a lot of work," "you must be very organized," "do you homeschool all the way until high school," etc. But I know what they were really thinking, and this guy, in my opinion, hit the nail on the head. Take minute a read his column. If you homeschool, you'll be glad you did.

H/T Starry Sky Ranch



  1. Great article! What I don't get is those statistics are out there, why don't people pay attention to them?

    We got the same thing yesterday swimming at our local wading pool. Another mother walked up the same time as us, so we kind of chatted, or rather she went on and on and on about how she can't believe we homeschool and she could never do that and I must be SO organized (I am thinking, no just crazy) and she can't wait til fall when her 2 are in school and she can find a job again. (they were ages 4 and 5) The conversation really bothered me on the walk home. I usually don't let it bother me, but this time it did. I am amazed at how opposite we feel about our children. I couldn't stand to let my children to be gone away that long, and she can't wait.

    I think I wonder, what does she really think? Does she think I am backwards and weird for homeschooling, or does she think I truly am wonder woman (her words, not mine)?

    Anyway, thanks for the article and your post, you are not alone, it's across the country, even here in MN! I might have to post about this too...but not tonight!


I appreciate your comments -- sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself!