Today we begin the Novena to Saints Joachim and Anne in preparation for their Feast Day on July 26 . I will pray this Novena for Peace.
First Day
Lord, Grant us Your Peace
Lord Jesus, grant peace to the world.
My health and my problems often overwhelm me. Although I have my own troubles, I also remember the problems of the rest of society. Help me focus my thoughts on others and to pray for peace in the world. Jesus, you came to earth to gather us all in one human race (Ep 2:11-19), and for peace to reign among nations (Zc 9:10). Your desire is for everyone to live peacefully, loving and caring for one another. The Church that you founded proclaims the gospel of peace. She teaches that every person has a right to life and freedom. As well, she emphasizes that every person has the responsibility to work for justice and peace. I can pray to you, Saint Anne, to obtain the grace of peace among nations. I vow to live in better harmony with those around me. I pray to you for peace and entrust all my worries to you, Amen.
Second Day
Grant us Peace in our Day
Jesus, I worry when I contemplate the future of humanity, our fragile ecosystem and the survival of our planet. I hear about people forced to flee, about countries torn asunder as a result of genocide and terrorism. The quest for peace seems unattainable. Since Cain murdered Abel at the dawn of humanity, violence seems to have only continued to increase. The world seems to be threatened by larger and larger catastrophes; and lately more countries are arming themselves with nuclear weapons. At your birth, the angels sang: Peace among those whom he favors (Lk 2:14). St. Paul echoed their song with: Be at peace among yourselves (1 Th 5:13). Help us Jesus, to work to stop the causes of violence in society, primarily social inequality and modern slavery. There is no peace without justice (Ps 85:11). Jesus, open our hearts and ears to the cries of human distress. Saint Anne, intercede for the victims of war and violence. Obtain from Jesus in our time. And, I pray, have mercy on my own suffering. Amen.
Third Day
Jesus, Prince of Peace
Peace is a gift from God. Although we may speak of peace, nothing can happen without you, Lord. You are the Prince of Peace (Is 9:5). He (Jesus) is our peace (Ep 2:14). The prophet Micah announces: He shall be peace (Mi 5:4) Peace also has a human component. We, humans, are prone to be selfish. God of peace, gather us in your love. Help us to share and work towards peace. St. Paul says: Live peaceably with all (Rm 12:18). Teach us, Jesus, to forgive as you forgave from high on your cross. We ourselves have so much need for forgiveness. There can be no peace without forgiveness. Saint Anne, with the help of your daughter Mary, Queen of Peace, turn our hearts towards Jesus. All his life was a message of peace. Beg your Grandson to procure for us such peace in our lives, where there is no more hate, anger or vengeance. Transform us into good and peaceful people. Shower on us corporal graces and spiritual blessings. Amen.
Fourth Day
The Church, House of Peace
Jesus, your kingdom of peace will come about through your Church and will blossom in heaven. St. Paul writes: Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts (Col 3:15). We will be known as your disciples, if we be at peace with one another (Mk 9:50). The Church encourages ecumenism and interreligious dialogue so that there may be peace among religions. She guides all of us on the road to peace. She is opposed to the weapons race. She instigated World Day of Peace, and is at the forefront of many other peace efforts around the world. We must support ecclesiastical efforts to facilitate peace. We are invited in Scripture to stand ready to proclaim the gospel of peace (Ep 6:15). Walking on the path to holiness means pursuing the path to peace. Saint Anne, obtain in our time the gift of peace. Lead us on the way to happiness and, therefore, peace. Please help me, bless all the members of my family, and all those whom I love. Amen.
Fifth Day
Peace in our Families
Jesus, too often I feel discouraged. The statistics on spousal and family violence are alarming. Suicide is more and more common, families break up, spouses separate and divorce, and children are often neglected. However, despair must not consume my life. I remember your words: My peace I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not let them be afraid (Jn 14:27). St. Paul addresses couples: It is to peace that God has called you (1 Co 7:15). To everyone he issues the invitation: Let us pursue what makes for peace (Rm 14:19). Even in the darkest times, we can, through the grace of our faith, regain interior peace. The peace of Christ can heal all the wounds of life. It is up to us to share a kind word or a smile, to talk, to forgive and to listen attentively. Saint Anne, you who lived such an exemplary life as a spouse, a mother and a grandmother, bless me and bless my family. Watch over all children. Amen.
Sixth Day
Peace in our Hearts
Before peace can exist in families and in the world, peace must first come into our hearts. Lord Jesus, we count on your help. Christ is our peace (Ep 2:14). He brought peace by the blood of his cross (Col 1:20). There are many things standing in the way of my interior peace: physical and moral suffering, family concerns and financial stress, to name but a few. Worries haunt me day and night. How can I feel peace I my heart when my problems are so great? How can I spread peace to others around me when I don't feel it myself? The prophets invite me to seek peace and pursue it (Ps 34:15). I must do so, rejoicing in hope (Rm 12:12). Saint Anne, help me to seek peace through prayer, even when illness and infirmity bring me to tears of despair. Dear grandmother of Jesus, you are my spiritual grandmother, and you comfort me, saying: Do not worry, I will intercede for you through my Grandson Jesus. Unite your sufferings to his, Trust in Jesus! Amen.
Seventh Day
Peace in the Spite of Suffering
Jesus, how much suffering there is in our lives! I do not wish to focus on my own troubles so much that I forget what others endure, especially in certain countries: religious persecution, famine, a difficult and uncertain future. Even in our own country, there is much misery! Our life on earth contains endless suffering. If there is any respite, it seems all too short. If there is some blue sky from time to time, too soon comes the rain of difficulties and problems. But, even in my suffering, I hear the voice of God: May grace and peace be yours in abundance (2P 1:21)! Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest (Mt 11:28). My hope in Jesus will not be in vain. Saint Anne, renew our hope, the source of peace. When darkness surrounds us, help us find the light. Stop us from being prophets of doom; make us, rather, deliverers of hope. Jesus is alive! The Spirit is alive! Thanks to you, Saint Anne, may I feel Christ�s peace within me, in spite of the cross that I bear. Amen.
Eighth Day
Jesus, Make me an Instrument of Your Peace
We find the best "peacemakers" in the monasteries. I must breathe in peace through prayer to be able then to breathe it out in my actions and in my words. Lord Jesus, you show us the path of happiness: Blessed are the peacemakers (Mt 5:1-12). This is why I am invited to recite the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. I am an instrument of your peace when I do good to those around me, when I help the poor, the sick, the aged, or those who are alone. This peace of which I am an instrument, returns to me a hundredfold, as it is written in Scripture: Peace for everyone who does good (Rm 2:10). Spreading peace is the recipe for holiness and joy. At the peak of my own suffering, Saint Anne, make me look towards others who endure hardship in their own lives. Make me a channel of God�s peace. May the Lord bless me and bless my family. Amen.
Ninth Day
Give Peace to all Your Children
Jesus, you desire that we become brothers and sisters united in love, peace and joy.
Too many people do not understand your message of love and forgiveness. They hurt one another with their words and actions. There is no peace among them. Jesus, gather us around your Eucharistic Table where we will partake of the peace of God and become bearers of love and peace. Dear Saint Anne, look with favor upon all your children � young and old, sick and in good health, rich and poor, sinners and upright-living, Catholics and non-Catholics. May we be filled with the peace of God. St. Paul writes to us: Be joyful. Live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you (2 Co 13:11). We implore you, Saint Anne, to reunite us in peace and lead us to Jesus. Thank you for your help, for your healings and multiple favors! Thank you for assembling the family of God, centered on the Eucharist, a family of love, peace and Joy! You say to each one of us, you say to me: Shalom! Peace be with you! I bless you. Amen.
prayer from stannechurch.org
Thank you for this! Husband's birthday is the 26th and I would love to surprise him with this during family prayer time!