Denise at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Exchange tagged me for a Lenten Meme:
1. What is your favorite Sorrowful Mystery?
The Agony in the Garden. I think that as Jesus was both Divine and human that he must have had some very human emotions when he was waiting for what he knew was going to happen. I think the anticipation was just as bad as the physical pain.
2. What is your favorite Station of the Cross?
Like many women, I like "Veronica wipes the face of Jesus." I hope that if I was there, I would have the courage to do the same.
3. Do you fast during Lent?
4. What is your Lenten Resolution(s)?
I've decided that I will try to listen to the Lord everyday to know what will make him happy, and make little acts of sacrifice as the moment presents itself.
5. Do you use Holy Water during Lent?
We use Holy water all year.
6. How many times do you go to Mass during Lent?
We go weekly to daily Mass and then on Sunday. We will also go to Stations once a week ad once to Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction.
I tag Minnesota Mom and Blessed Among Men, if you're reading this season.
The tag has been noted! And what a beautiful meme this is.